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Dr. Úrsula Oswald Spring, Mexican; Social anthropologist and ecologist, Research professor at National University of Mexico UNAM/ CRIM in Cuernavaca; she was funding Secretary General of the Colegio de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala (Mexico), the first holder of the MunichRe Chair on Social Vulnerability at UNU-EHS in Bonn and Coordinator of the National Network for Water Research in Mexico (RETAC-Conacyt). Today she coordinates with jointly the affected people of the River Yautepec Basin a project for an integrated basin management. With social participation, social movements, NGOs and scientists she is promoting a participative General Water Law in Mexico that grants people the basic human right to safe water.
Email: |
New Book published in 2021
Oswald Spring, Úrsula, Hans Günter Brauch (2021) (eds.). Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene, Springer Nature, Cham. |
Book in Spanish: 50 years of interdisciplinary research
Oswald Spring, Úrsula (2021). Reconceptualizar la seguridad y la paz: Una antología de estudios sobre género, seguridad, paz, agua, alimentos y alternativas, Cuernavaca, CRIM-UNAM. |
New Book published in 2018
APESS Vol 24 |
Oswald Spring, Ursula and Serrano Oswald, Serena Eréndira (Eds.): Risks, Violence, Security and Peace in Latin America - 40 Years of the Latin American Council of Peace Research (CLAIP)
ISBN: 978-3-319-73807-9 (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-3-319-73808-6 (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73808-6 _ (add chapter no.)
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New Book published in 2016
HEXA-GON Series Vol 10 |
Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Jürgen Scheffran (Eds.): Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace 10 (Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2016).
ISBN: 978-3-319-43882-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-319-43884-9 (Online)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43884-9
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APESS Vol 4 |
Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Juliet Bennett, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald (Eds.): Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective (Cham–Heidelberg– New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2017).
ISBN: 978-319- (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-319- (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-319-_ (add chapter no.)
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APESS Vol 5 |
Úrsula Oswald Spring, Hans Günter Brauch, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Juliet Bennett (Eds.): Regional Ecological Challenges for Peace in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia Pacific (Cham– New York – Heidelberg – Dordrecht – London: Springer International Publishing, 2017).
ISBN: 978-319- (Softcover)
ISBN: 978-319- (EBook)
Doi: 10.1007/978-319-_ (add chapter no.)
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New Book published in 2015
Latest published Books
En Espaniol
Please download the Spanish book here (in Spanish Only)
[Libro final]
English translation of the book title
Latin America on the Road towards a Sustainable Peace:
Tools and Contributions
Chinese Edition of Selected Chapters published by Nanjing Press Company
With the financial support for the translation of
the Nanjing Peace Museum in Nanjing
Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):
Globalization and
Security in the
21st Century
ISBN: 978-7-5533-0731-2
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
348 pages |
Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):
Facing Global
Environmental, Human,
Energy, Food, Health and
Water Security
ISBN: 978-7-5533-0652-0
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
364 pages |
Hans Günter Brauch,
Úrsula Oswald Spring,
Czeslaw Mesjasz,
John Grin,
Liu Cheng (Eds.):
Coping with Global
Environmental Change,
Disasters and Security
Threats, Challenges,
Vulnerabilities and Risks
ISBN: 978-7-5533-0656-8
Nanjing Press Company,
Nanjing, China,
February 2015,
406 pages |
In Spanish
Úrsula,Oswald Spring, Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Fátima Flores Palacios, Maribel Ríos Everado, Hans Günter Brauch, Teresita Ruiz Pantoja, Carlos Lemus Ramírez, Mónica Cruz Rivera (2013). Vulnerabilidad Social y Género entre Migrantes Ambientales, CRIM-DGAPA-UNAM Cuernavaca. ISBN: 978-607-02-5890-9. |
Reseña: La migración inducida ambientalmente (MIA) es un proceso complejo que está influido por factores económicos, sociales, culturales, demográficos, políticos y ambientales. Este libro analiza teórica y empíricamente la MIA en el transecto desde el Popocatépetl, pasando por los valles centrales hasta la Sierra Madre del Sur, en la parte central de México. Generalmente, las teorías sobre la migración enfatizan en los aspectos económicos, sociales y demográficos en el lugar de origen o destino y pocas veces incluyen elementos ambientales.
El libro examina de manera multidisciplinaria los factores de expulsión, de atracción y de mediación que llevan a una persona, familia o comunidad a emprender el camino hacia otro destino y su punto nodal se centra en la interrelación entre los aspectos ambientales, agroproductivos, comunitarios y psicosociales.
La discusión teórica de la MIA se ordenó a partir de tres ejes centrales: migración y desarrollo; migración y ambiente; y migración y seguridad. La MIA está sujeta a componentes temporales de largo alcance, como los impactos del cambio ambiental global y del cambio climático, a situaciones y políticas de mediano plazo, en las que predominan las políticas económicas de apertura comercial mediante el Tratado de Libre Comercio con América del Norte, y a coyunturas, entre las que destacan los eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos, las cíclicas crisis económicas y los cambios en la política social y rural sexenal. Al conjuntar los factores interactuantes de la MIA, se encontró una doble vulnerabilidad: la ambiental y la social.
Este libro colectivo hace ver que una política compleja que integre factores estructurales de largo, mediano y corto plazo podría reducir la migración ambientalmente inducida y crear condiciones de seguridad humana, de género y ambiental en el medio rural, no sólo en Morelos, sino en México y más allá. |
Republication of a book chapter as chapter 1 in the following Handbook
Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch:
“Securitizing Water”, in: H. G. Brauch, Ú. Oswald Spring, J. Grin,
C. Mesjasz, P. Kameri-Mbote, N. Chadha Behera,
B. Chourou,
H.Krummenacher (Eds.):
Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts
(Berlin – Heidelberg – New York:
Springer-Verlag, 2009): 175-202 |
Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch:
“Securitizing Water”,
Anders Jägerskog,
Ashok Swain,
Joakim Öjendal (Eds.):
Water Security (4 vol. set), vol. 1:
Water Security - Origin and Foundations
(London: SAGE Publications, November 2014): 1-44 |
New Book published in 2014
Ursula Oswald Spring; Hans Günter Brauch; Keith G. Tidball (Eds.): Expanding Peace Ecology: Security, Sustainability, Equity and Peace: Perspectives of IPRA’s Ecology and Peace Commission 1. SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace, vol. 12. Peace and Security Studies No. 2 (Cham – Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2014).
ISBN (Print): 978-3-319-00728-1
ISBN (Online/eBook): 978-3-319-00729-8
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00729-8
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- Addresses linkages between sustainability, transition and sustainable peace
- Focuses on peace, environmental education, community-based ecological restoration and ability expectation
- Underlines the need to combat trafficking of women and children by transnational crime rings in Nigeria, a national security threat
This book has peer-reviewed chapters by scholars from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, and the USA that were presented to the Ecology and Peace Commission (EPC) of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) in November 2012 in Japan. The chapters address these themes: Expanding Peace Ecology – Peace, Security,Sustainability, Equity, and Gender; Two Discourses on Global Climate Change Impacts:From Climate Change and Security to Sustainability Transition; Peace Research and Greening in the Red Zone: Community-based Ecological Restoration to Enhance Resilience and Transitions Toward Peace; Social and Environmental Vulnerability in a River Basin of Mexico; Mobile Learning, Rebuilding Community Through Building Communities, Supporting Community Capacities: Post Natural Disaster Experience; Transforming Consciousness through Peace Environmental Education; Building Peace by Rebuilding Community; Ability Expectations and Peace and on Satoyama Sustainability and Peace.
Content Level » Research
Keywords » Community Capacities - Ecological Restoration - International Trafficking - Peace Building and Education - Peace Research - Security - Sustainability Transition - Sustainable Peace
Related subjects » Social Sciences - Sustainable Development |
Scientific Network on Water : RETAC, National Council of Science
and Technology (CONACYT)
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidiscipinarias (CRIM)
National University of Mexico (CRIM-UNAM),
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias UNAM
Av. Universidad s/n Circuito 2, Colonia Chamilpa. Cuernavaca, Mor. 62210 México
Tels : 52 (777)328-18-28; 329-18-30; 329-18-33
Fax : 52 (777)317-5981