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1.3 AFES-PRESS Research projects funded by the
Federal Environmental Agency

The Federal Environmental Agency is responsible to the Federal Ministry on the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety. On a competitive basis it offers research and development contracts to both companies and not-for profit organisations. Since 1997, AFES-PRESS has participated in three research contracts.

Climate Policy of Threshold States:
South Korea, Mexico, Brazil

Brief Project Description

This report focuses on problems of international environment policy with respect to the inclusion of the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Brazil in obligations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol. Three criteria are being used: a) their contribution to global warming, b) economic status, c) impact of global warming. The study is organised in eight chapters: chapter 1 introduces in this new policy area, chapter 2 reviews the international context of the debate on enlarging the Annex I states at the Third Conference of State Parties in Kyoto, chapter 3 and 5 analyse the regional context of climate policy for East Asia and Latin America, chapters 4, 6 and 7 offer three extensive case studies on the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Brazil while chapter 8 draws conceptual conclusions. This chapter summarises the comparisons among the three threshold states. The study recommends that all present and future members of OECD, EU and NAFTA should become Annex-I-countries and that a OECD and NAFTA "bubble" should be developed that permits limits to the differentiated increase of climate change gases according to the status of economic development. The study suggests a better co-ordination of German foreign and economic policy with respect to climate change and the promotion of energy savings, energy efficiency enhancement and commercialisation of renewables. Such a policy should aim simultaneously at the reduction of carbon emissions and at the creation of new and additional jobs at home.

Project Output: Publication

Energy and Environment Policy in the Czech Republic

Brief Project Description

For details on the project: see the project homepage:

Context of the Project

Since the early 1990s, the Czech Republic has been a candidate for membership in the European Union. In 1998, as one of the five Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), the Czech Republic was selected for the fast track to EU membership, besides Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. At the European Council meeting in Helsinki in December 1999, the European Union decided to launch membership negotiations with the other five CEECs in the slow track: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia as well as with Cyprus and Malta and to offer Turkey the status of a candidate. Based on the Copenhagen criteria of 1993, the European Commission is negotiating with all 12 countries on 31 different dossiers, including energy and environment. The European Union has entered membership partnerships with all 12 candidate countries to assist them in adapting to the acquis communautaire. Already during the negotiation process, considerable efforts are required from the Czech Republic to comply with the legal standards of the European Union.

Goals of the Project

The project: "Energy and Environment in the Czech Republic" aims at an assessment of the present situation in the energy and environment sectors in the Czech Republic. Therefore, both the developments since the turn of 1989 and the requirements with respect to EU membership will be analysed. Furthermore, with this project, a positive contribution is to be made for a closer co-operation in the technical and administrative area between German and Czech partners. For these reasons, a mutual discussion process and transfer of knowledge and technology are to be initiated in the energy and environment sectors. In March and in May 2000, in two workshops the project results were discussed between the German and Czech partners.

Regions with a Special Focus

The following regions have been in the centre of this project:

  • Northern Bohemia has most important raw material resources of the Czech Republic, including lignite. Thus, this region also has the largest energy production facilities in the country.
  • The Ostrava region has been a traditional energy intensive industrial site in Northern Moravia and the centre of Czech hard coal mining. Furthermore, Ostrava is a major transport centre linking Austria, Poland and the industrial city Brno.
  • As the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague is the centre of industrial production with a highly sophisticated infrastructure. 12% of the Czech population live in the central Prague region.

Funding Agency and Project Partners

Given the good bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and Germany, EU membership of the Czech Republic has been a major German political interest. For this very reason, this project on "Energy and Environment in the Czech Republic" was launched by German Federal Environment Office (UBA) with the support of the Czech Environment Ministry.

AFES-PRESS Contribution to this project

  • 2 monographs in German and English
  • language edition and production of a camera ready copy of the third study by the Czech partner: SEVEn
  • Under a sub-contract with itut e.V. Leipzig: AFES-PRESS designed, developed, produced the project website during 2000.

Project Output: Publications

Additional Scientific Publications based on the project:

  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Europäische Energiepolitik zwischen Marktliberalisierung und Umweltpolitik - Sammelrezension", in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 41. Jahrgang 2000, Heft 3: 563-580.

  • Hans Günter Brauch: "Sustainable EU Energy Policy Between Market Liberalisation and Environmental Obligations. Implications for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue", in: Antonio Marquina, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.): Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Collection Strademed 10 (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000): 71

Brief Project Description

The specific task of the project was to write brief and condensed information papers for the German delegation for the sixth Conference of the Parties (COP-6) of the UN-Framework Convention on Climate Change in November 2000 in the Hague on the following six countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Croatia in English. A final English report was submitted in late November 2000 and may be published during 2001.

Project Output: Publications

  • Hans Günter Brauch: Opting In and Opting Out. Case Studies on Climate Policy of Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Turkey, AFES-PRESS Information Papers for the Federal Environmental Agency, Abschlußbericht, 30.11. 2000; Förderzeichen 312 01 133, AFES-PRESS Mosbach 2000 (not yet released)

Last updated 24.05.2003 by the webmaster

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